Thursday, January 29, 2009

My help comes from Him

I lift up my hands,
My help comes from You
I lift up my heart,
My help comes from You
I lift up my eyes,
To where my help comes from.
A beautiful worship song that reminds us where our help does come from! Today, I will lift up my hands, heart, and eyes to where my help comes from!!

Praise is what I WILL do!

We have all heard about the proverbially phone call that turns our world upside down! Well, yesterday, I received that call! It is of a personal manner with my extended family that I don't feel to share at this time! Not all of my extended family is in the church, hell reaks havoc anyway he can! However, I do want to show you how God works!

I was on the praise team at church last night and I had to stay very focused to sing, I just wanted to hang my head and weep! I had to ask my husband to pray for me that I would sleep and have peace last night! God did that, in fact I slept late today! I'm at home alone with Cherish and am keeping busy, for an idle mind is the devil's play ground! I came to the computer, turned it on and felt that I was to read my dear friend Sis. Tracie Smith's post for today, link Tracie Smith ! I knew immediately that I had felt the right thing! She spoke of another friend of ours, Sis. Veta McLaughlin's post for today! Both were about praising Him through our disappointments, trials and dark times! Sis. Smith reminded me of the song that we sing so often at our own church, Praise is what I do!

Praise is what I do
When I want to be close to You,
I lift my hands in praise.
Praise is who I am,
I will praise Him while I can.
I'll bless Him at all times.
I vow to praise You
Through the good and the bad.
I'll praise You,
Whether happy or sad.
I'll praise You
In all that I go through,
Because praise is what I do,
Cause I owe it all to You.
Praise is what I do
When I want to be close to You,
I lift my hands in praise.
Praise is who I am,
I will praise Him while I can.
I'll bless Him at all times.
And I vow to praise You
Through the good and the bad.
I'll praise You,
Whether happy or sad.
I'll praise You
Praise is what I do,
Even when I am going through,
I've learned to worship You.
Know my circumstance doesn't even stand a chance,
My good outweighs the bad.
Now somebody lift your voice
And just go to praising him right now
Somebody lift your voice in this place
Lift up your voice in this place.
Praise is what I do
Is what I do

Thank you, Veta and Tracie! You have both reminded me today, to look up to where our help comes from!

So, as I go through my day, hopefully keeping busy and getting a lot accomplished, I WILL PRAISE HIM!!

I thank God today for my husband, daughters, and son-in-law! A wonderful loving family is so important!

My actual first knowledge of my trial came through a comment to my post yesterday! To who ever left me the sweet message that I was in their concern and prayers, thank you so much! I took the comment off only to protect the privacy of the person concerned! Your intent was very kind and appreciated!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Family Day!

Monday in the Hill household is always family day!! We learned a long time ago that the family is of the utmost importance! Every Monday we spend quality time together! It is almost forbidden for my husband to make other plans or appointments! Sometimes, we do fun things like go to Chuck E Cheese, go to the park, the zoo, the mall, etc. Sometimes we just have dinner, play games, read books, or things like that! The trouble is that almost every Monday, I have my horrible headaches! You say, "What?" Well, I am a stress driven person! No, you didn't know that did you? I really am growing up and not letting as much get to me, but I do love to please and in the occupation that God has placed us, it is impossible to please everyone!! Therefore, with the responsibilities of Sunday, I praise sing, I teach the 9-12 year olds, as well as all of the other duties of a pastor's wife, oh, don't forget that I have Cherish in the mix, too! A three year old all day in and out of church, keeping her sweet, quiet, etc. Well, even when all is wonderful on Sunday, for some reason, I must be tense because of the responsibility! Therefore, my "Monday Headache" as we call them! Yesterday was a "Doosey" of one! So we have to have our family day around those!

Even with that, we would not leave Cherish out! We just played with her around the house, she made us pretend ice cream with her toy ice cream set, ate soup and grilled cheese for lunch, then she took a nap with her mommy afterwards! When I woke up, my headache was much better! So we quickly through ourselves together and ran to Rite Aide! What is Rite Aide? If you are from California, you will know that they bought out the old Thrify Drug Stores! Thrify always had a little stand at the front of the store that had hand dipped ice cream for about $.69 per scoop! Well, Rite Aide kept the Thrifty Ice Cream, but it is $1.19 per scoop now! I got my favorite, Black Cherry with huge cherry halves in it! Cherish got strawberry! Daddy got rainbow sherbet! It was about 50 degrees outside so we were laughing because we were shivering getting in our car with ice cream! It was so funny, we got home set down at our bar and Cherish looked at her daddy's sherbet, took a bite, then pointed at the strawberry and said, "Dat is yours now, daddy!" Thus, Daddy has strawberry and Cherry has rainbow!!! Mommy sure enjoyed her original Black Cherry!! Now that is a sweet daddy! He would have done that even if it wasn't family day!

Later, there was dinner together, and a quiet family time around the house! No interruptions!

You might consider this for your own family! We all get so busy that we tend to forget those that we hold near and dear! Pretty soon, we are all living our own lives and doing our own thing! We wonder why it is so easy for some families to permanently separate. I think that I will add to the old quote, so here's my new one...................

A family who prays and plays together, stays together!

Lord, don't let me ever forget to pray and play as a family! You are the center of all WE do!
We always did this with Misti, too! Guess what Monday is designated as in her house? You guessed it! It is just her and Adam, but rarely do they include anyone else in their Monday evening! I do believe that a little time together will lead to .............A Long Time Together!!!

Monday, January 26, 2009

Another Awesome Weekend!

It is monday morning and we are rejoicing in another awesome weekend! We again, had several new visitors! The manager of Sweet Tomato restaurant come yesterday, loved our service and was really moved in the altar! He received the Holy Ghost, we just aren't sure what his background is, it may be a refilling!! Whatever, we are so thrilled that God is moving so greatly!

Last night, we had 2 more baptized! It is becoming a habit around here! I can't remember the last Sunday that we didn't have someone baptized! Thank you, Jesus!! It has become so common that Cherish said last night before church, "Gonna have somebody batize, Mommy?" Lord, please don't ever stop this wonderful common occurrence and help us to teach, maintain, and disciple all of these new people!

I was praise singing last night and was overwhelmed looking around at the "miracles!" There are so many people that the Lord is working on in various stages! Thank You, Lord, for each miracle both great and small!!

To all of you from Pentecostal Tabernacle, we love each of you so much!! We are so excited about what God has in store! He is "God of this city!"

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Taking Time to Replenish

Last Friday on the way to Hollister for Bro. Hurst's birthday party, I started feeling pretty yucky. By the end of the evening, I was certain that I was getting the flu! Sure enough, I was down on Saturday, and Sunday! I missed the morning service and went on Sunday night with a terrible headache, I mentioned that in another post! By Monday, Cherish started getting sick! Mine has just changed problems each day! I don't feel up to par yet and am really tired of laying around! I've been trying to get the laundry I washed the day before yesterday folded, between my own lack of energy and helping Cherish, I am just now getting it done!

Today, Cherish is really sick! I took her to the doctor! The doctor said that her left lung is really congested, has me patting and rubbing that side of her back, giving her breathing treatments, and started antibiotics! It is a virus, therefore, we are missing church tonight! Of course, her Daddy is there preaching, but I'm home AGAIN!

I sat in the recliner a few minutes ago and prayed! I basically told the Lord that I am really tired of feeling bad, I want to get better, have some strength and want Cherish better. I feel drained spiritually because I'm so tired and achy! I had my ladies devotional bible in my lap and prayed that the Lord would speak to me through His word since I was missing church! Over the years, when I have been seeking something from Him, he just plainly speaks through His word to me! So I knew that He would not fail this time!

I opened the bible to Luke the 5th chapter! There was a separate devotional written by a Joan C. Webb there! I want to share it with you! You will find it amazing, knowing what I had just asked the Lord for and feeling guilty for missing service again!

Taking Time to Replenish

Verse: Luke 5:16

But Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed! NIV

So He Himself often withdrew into the wilderness and prayed. NKJV

Jesus' days were filled with counseling the confused, encouraging the disappointed, hugging children, protecting the abused, feeding the hungry, questioning false teaching, challenging the weather, crusading for justice and fair play, withstanding ridicule, teaching his staff of apostles and loving his opponents. Increasing crowds clamored around Jesus daily.

Jesus was extremely busy. Yet He knew the limitations of the human body and soul. He realized he needed to separate himself from the day to day demands. Although Jesus acknowledged the people's tremendous need, He did not call Himself selfish when he often withdrew to replenish his mind and spirit.

Learning to take care of ourselves is worthwhile and nurturing. Jesus did it; so can we!

Who will be glorified if I were to go to church this evening with a sick child? Myself? No, I am miserable! Cherish? No, she is beyond miserable! Those around me? No, we would be infecting them with whatever bug we've contacted. God? He would love my praises, but he himself had to take time to replenish!

I decided to write this blog, as a simple lesson to myself and to you who are on your last leg! We will be no good to anyone if we completely diminish our health! So, tonight, I will take a little time to spend time with Him, to replenish my spiritual self! I will take time with Cherish to help her replenish her health! I'll take a little time and drink some hot tea and read a book to replenish my own body! And, If I get a chance I'll take a little time and fold the laundry to replenish my cabinets and dresser!

So............examine yourself, take a few minutes, hours, or days, replenish your body and spirit so that this weekend, we can be at 100% giving Him our all!!
Something you might enjoy: If you have not ever tried cream in your hot tea, you owe it to yourself! I learned to drink it that way in London, and a cup of tea is a delicious delicacy now!!! I personally like french vanilla and a little sugar!
Well, it's been two hours since I posted this! I enjoyed a sweet time with the Lord and it is amazing how He can reach down, wherever we are with the same gentle touch! Thank you, Lord, for the replenishing in you! I got all of the laundry folded and put away! Yes, that is finished! And I just had to add here that Cherish just said to me, "Mommy, I want hot tea, pweez!" I said, "Ok, I'll get you some!" She said, "I want 'nilla pweez!" She loves the cream in it, too. She doesn't need it with the congestion, but I sure did get her a tiny bit in there!! Yummm!

Monday, January 19, 2009

The Revival Continues!

I've mentioned recently about the way that God has seen fit to send revival to Kerman! We are so thrilled! It is interesting every service to see how many new visitors will be there! Yesterday, several of us were sick! I stayed home from the morning service but made myself go in the evening! My head felt every pounding beat of the drum, thank you very much Adam!! That's my son-in-law who does an awesome job on them! We still had a house full of people!

Stephen is making sure the baptistery is full each service now!!! At the end of service he said that he would be remiss in his duties if he didn't ask if anyone wanted to be baptized. Well, we didn't see anyone and we shortly ended an awesome service. Well, about 3 minutes later, he was grabbing the microphone! One of the young boys that is 11 years old that is from one of the new families had been praying in the altar. Well, none of us saw him raise his hand. Upon questioning him, he had received the Holy Ghost, too! Thank you, Jesus! It has become so common that a service with no one receiving the Holy Ghost and/or being baptized seems to be odd!

It is so cute, it has become so common now, that Cherish, who is princess Sleeping Beauty today, said that her pretend friend, Gavey, got baptized last night in, "Jesus Name, Amen!" and she lays down on the floor and shows us! It is so cute.

Now, before you think she is getting too spiritual, she also says that Santa Claus preaches at her church. When I tell her that I don't think that will ever happen, she tells me that it is a different church and it is pink! So, there you have it! She goes to a pink church where Santa preaches and baptizes imaginary friends!! At least it is in Jesus Name, Amen!!

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Our weekend this far!

We took the opportunity to spend some "friend" time! Today is Bro. Nathan Hurst's 50th birthday! Stephen serves on the Home Missions board with Bro. Hurst and we have really enjoyed getting to know them! We were invited to his surprise birthday party at his home last night in Hollister! The Keyes were going to go and spend the night, too! So we had a couple of meals together!
Cherish and Grandma Keyes sharing a milkshake!!

Both the above and below pictures are of all the "girls" at the party with Bro. Hurst in there, too! Sorry for the grainy picture, but as I stated before, my camera is in the shop!

Todd Johnson and Stephen being serious! Seriousness did not last long with Todd around!

Me, Cherish, and Sis. Sharon Keyes

When I asked Sis. Hurst if I should bring Cherish or not, she told me, "Absolutely, she'll be the star of the show!" Cherish sure did her part in attempting that title, even if I was a nervous wreck that she would bother someone! She loved the Elmo singing balloon sent by Bro. Randy Keyes!!

This was taken this morning at The Black Bear Diner! We enjoyed a delicious breakfast with the Keyes before we came home!

Thank you Ronda for inviting us! We had a great time!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Praising Him!

I have to give God the praise today! We have been in Kerman for 8 1/2 years, and we love this city and the people here! It has been a long road of challenges! We have followed God with His truth and had many days that were more than disappointing! I do not come today to be sad or woe-be-gone! I do come, however, to bring a praise and victory report!

Several months ago, an obvious turn came!! It was like a breath of fresh air and we are basking in it! We have had every kind of outreach that you can think of here and would have an occasional visitor, now with no obvious reason, there is absolutely NO service with less that about 10 visitors! We are baptizing almost every service! People receiving the Holy Ghost in their pews! Unbelievable. About a month ago we had over 40 visitors in one service. 18 on a Wednesday night.

Last night, there was a young man named Robby! We started service, I was praise singing, so I had a great view of the happenings, and we were part way into our 2nd song and realized that he was just sobbing on the 3rd row! You guessed it, God took over and we had church! On a Wednesday!! We typically have bible study, which is always fantastic, my husband is a very interesting teacher, but last night, God did the teaching! Now, as a praise singer, I was exhausted! LOL We sang non-stop for an hour and a half, didn't even stop a song, we would transition straight over just to keep from distracting! I am not an accomplished singer! LOL But it sure was a lot of fun!!! Well, we had filled the baptistry about 1/3 full before service just in case, well it was an in case service! Robby wanted to be baptized! (James was baptized Sunday after he received the Holy Ghost in the Youth Class!) So, we started the water again, Robby got in one of our jumpsuits, and my husband had to put one on too because the baptistry was not full enough to baptize him standing up! They both got in, Robby sat down and there he was baptized in Jesus name! It was fabulous! (We will have the baptistry FULL from now on!)

We all were laughing, though, we only had one towel at the church, so of course Robby got that, there was a sheet used for drama props, my hubby used that and couldn't get his feet to dry, Robby needed the room to dress, so out comes my well put together husband, onto the platform, with bare feet! He had tried to put his socks on and they would not go over his wet feet! LOL Misti, who was praise singing, too, had her camera from the baptism, she got an up close picture of her Dad with bare feet at the pulpit! (We are going to buy several towels for the church today!)

What at awesome time we had! We give God all of the glory! A precious young lady that we love dearly sent me a text and told me to listen to the song by Bluetree called God of this City!
It was yet another confirmation that we are on the right track and this is the promised revival! It says that God is the God of this City and that He isn't finished with it yet! You should listen to it and receive a new vision for where God had placed you!

Oh, by the way, after church, Robby said, "This is awesome, I will definitely be back and bring my kids with me!!!" Thank you, Jesus! We give you all of the praise!!!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Our Christmas Pictures!!

I realized that I never showed our pictures of our Christmas! I had both girl's birthdays in the middle and skipped right over it!

We always have our immediate family Christmas separate from anyone else so that Cherish will enjoy our gifts to her and we can concentrate just on her! It was a lot of fun and we just spent quality time! Then on Christmas day the kids and my mom and sister spent the whole day here! After a fabulous meal that we all pitched in and prepared together, we all found rooms and took napes, arose and ate some more!

I told you that my Dad visited earlier in December. He bought Cherish an Escalade!! It is too big to fit through the doors into my house! It will hold to children and up to 135 pounds! It goes 5 mph!! It is too cute! We have taken a few days here and there and let her drive it to the park down the street from our house! All of the other children stop and stare! We have even had a few cars stop to watch and the drivers just smile and wave! Needless to say, she is much too young! All she does is pushes the throttle full blast and looks around! We have to steer or it would be a disaster! I have included a few of those pictures!

Speaking of pictures, Cherish broke my camera yesterday! It is a Canon Powershot S80 which is the step below a professional camera! Her daddy bought for me for her birth. It was extremely pricey!! Well, it has now been shipped to Canon! She dropped it with the lens out! It will not retract and the shutter won't close! She will not be playing with it again!! So if you notice a lack of pictures over the next while.....................that's why!!!

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Much is required!

Lord, Let my heart be pure!

I have thought a lot recently about the scripture that talks about that the person whom much is forgiven, much is required!
Luke 12:48 ...For unto whomsoever much is given, of him shall be much required

I have found it so amazing that the very ones that receive such mercy and forgiveness are the very ones who seem to be the hardest on offenders! It is so disheartening. I always wonder just how God will deal with that?

God has been so good to me and my family, therefore, we strive very hard to let the same mercies flow to those around us! With this way of life, we find that God truly seems to restore and do a great work! We know that not one of us is free from shortcomings, therefore we judge as we would be judged.

I was familiar recently with a situation with and individual whom MUCH had been forgiven, and when the tables were turned and someone else needed mercy, WOW.....did the feathers fly!

Today I am saddened by the lack of mercy by humanity! I pray that I will always show mercy and kindness! Life is short, troubles come and go, but the final goal is making it to Heaven. I pray that if you have been forgiven of sins of the flesh, financial situations, or whatever the weakness that you experience, that when the tables are turned, you too will strive to be a Christian in all of your ways, guarding your thoughts, feeling, words and actions.

Moral Character is defined as: one of the attributes or features that make up or distinguish an individual who is conforming to a standard of right behavior.

The United States Air Force Academy relates moral character as: the sum of those qualities of moral excellence that stimulates a person to do the right thing, which is manifested through right and proper actions despite internal or external pressures to the contrary.

God let my character be moral! No matter the internal or external pressures! I want to be distinguished and have a reputation that my attributes and features conform to a standard of right behavior. Holy and acceptable before you!

Friday, January 9, 2009

Home Sweet Home!

I have rested up a little now and am settling back into my world! After the travel on Wednesday, then meeting for Misti's birthday, as usual, I had a migraine yesterday! I was thrilled this morning when I woke up and feel fine!

We had a great time in Houston, but I have to say that it is so nice to be home! There really is "No place like home!" I had to make a grocery store run, yesterday! My cupboards were bare!

If anyone is wondering, we did not bring Misti her crawfish!! She agreed with us that it might not be good when we got it home. We didn't want to freeze it because then it would not be fresh anymore and were just afraid that the fried crawfish would be way to soggy, the crawfish etoufee probably would have been fine. With the 45 minute drive to pick it up (one way) we decided against it! Sorry!

Believe me, she is still spoiled rotten! We took her out for lunch on her birthday and I am cooking dinner for her tonight! I typically cook a nice dinner for our families birthdays, so she chose tonight to do just that!

I took a few pictures while in Texas. I told you before that we got to see Bro. & Sis. Clark, which were our pastors that we assisted for 7 years when we first married starting 24 years ago. I am so glad that they are getting to know Cherish. We also got to see Stephen's brother, Kevin and his family. He works out of state and we don't see him but about once every two or three years. It was so good to see them and spend a little time! Of course we spent quality time with Stephen's mother, his sister, Michele, and his Grannie. They all had minor damage from the hurricane but everything is back to normal! Grannie basically had her house remodeled from her more substantial damage! It is beautiful! I'm so happy for her!

And there is "Baby Bryson" as Cherish calls him! Our dear neice, Rebecca, and her husband, Brandon, had their bouncing baby boy, Bryson, just before Thanksgiving. He is a little doll! Aunt Susan hogged him the whole entire time. Well, that's when he wasn't getting changed or needing his mommy! He is a gorgeous or rather handsome little man. No mistaking him for a girl! We are so happy for you, Becca! You obviously love your son!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Happy 21st, Misti!!

Above: Bridesmaids

Above Picture: Today at Lunch

Today is my little girl's birthday! Not, my Cherish, but Misti! We just flew in from Houston and are going to meet her for a late lunch before church, so I'll be quick here!!

Misti is a wonderful, godly young lady that has been the joy of our life!! Misti, I cannot believe that you are 21, I'm sure that you were just born! Where did the years go? I hope your day is wonerful! I love you dearly, sweetie!!

I am too tired to deal with a slideshow, we've been up since 2:30am here for the flight, so I'm just adding pictures! Sorry, but I know you will still enjoy!!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009


I know, everyone is wondering where I have been!! My mother-in-law got to missing us last week and wanted us to fly to Houston to see her! With much deliberation and contact with the airlines, that was made possible in no time!! So here we are!

When we left Fresno, it was 43 degrees in the afternoon! It was 2 am when we got here and it was 65 degrees! I brought all sweaters, turtlenecks, and boots for both of us girls!! Well, the next day was 79 degrees and the next 83!! I was burning up! I had Cherish in boots with bare legs because I had no regular shoes for her!! At last, it turned cold yesterday! 49 degrees, today is 53 and raining! So I am finally comfortable!!

I know, there are blogger friends here in this area that are saying, "What? Why didn't you call me?" Well, it is so difficult when we come so seldom to schedule time away from family! So, please forgive me!

We fly home tomorrow morning because my beautiful daughter will be 21 and I don't want to miss her birthday! I'll try to post about her tomorrow evening!!

Yes, I have eaten catfish, crawfish, Pappasitos, and black-eyed peas! I have loved every minute of it!!! Cherish, too! She said, "Catfish is my vewy favowit!"

We ate lunch with our pastor, Bro. and Sis. Clark, yesterday! They took Cherish too Toys R Us and bought her a huge bag of toys! She was so excited!!! Thanks so much Poppy & Nanni for spoiling my new little girl!! She said that Poppy is her fwiend, fwiend, fwiend! We left them and she started saying, "Mommy, Mommy, Mommy! I needa call Poppy and say thank you vewy much for all my babies!" So we did just that!

Well, I'm getting ready to head to DSW shoes and to Grannies in a little bit! I just wonder what everyone thinks, tomorrow being Misti's birthday, she is insisting that I drive way out to the Woodlands almost to Conroe to Pappadeaus, from Humble, to pick up a crawfish platter, and take it on the plane for her? What do I do? Hmmmmm, shall I?

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Why "Old" People Break Their Bones!!

I recieved this clip this morning! We enjoyed it and were laughing and discussing it, Cherish said, "Dat's funny, need to put it on de bwog!" I do believe that she was correct, you will enjoy it and it will bring a few smiles into your new year!

This is why old people break their bones!!