Thursday, August 27, 2009

Cherish is too much!!

We have been in Texas for a few days. Our niece, Maddie, wanted to be baptized and her parents wanted my husband to have the honor baptizing her! So, we flew out on Thursday morning and back her Tuesday morning very early. It was a hurried trip, but we had a fabulous time with family! It is always so wonderful to visit, but as we all know, it is so nice to be home. We all woke up today feeling human again! Yesterday was crazy, everyone was exhausted and just a little bit cranky!

Cherish has not had the opportunity to ever spend a lot of time with my husband's brother, Kevin. He works out of state and is rarely there when we are. So, since Maddie is his daughter, he was home for the weekend. Cherish went to his house for several hours with Maddie. They had a blast. Maddie even fixed Cherish her own "whole" sprite. She never gets that much!!

Well, later that evening, when they brought her back to my mother-in-law's, she and Uncle Kevin had made fast friends! Misti always loved to hang out with him when she was little because he is "one of the kids!" We were all visiting and he got down and became her horse! He walked on hands and knees all through the house and they visited the barn, the mall, the store and anywhere else that Cherish could think to make the different rooms of the house. That was good and fine! When it was time for Kevin to leave, she went to him and while she was hugging him, she had the biggest whining voice and said, "Mom, I'm gonna miss.............." at this point we were all set for this nice sweet moment that was going to make Kevin feel special for life, and she finished her sentence, " FAT horsey!" It was too much! We were all crying we were laughing so hard. So, Kevin is officially Cherish's "Fat Horsey!"

I'll add a few pictures of the trip. Stephen baptized Maddie's cousins Meghan Cunningham, Lauren Cunninghame, and Ryan Lopez. It was very sweet! We got to see our niece, Becca and her darling baby boy, Bryson! Oh, I could sure steal that child, well both of them. Becca has always been special. We ate at all of the favorite places including Kingwood Catfish House, Pappasitos, Pappadeaux, and Pappa's BBQ! Granny had fixed us her famous roast, my favorite carrots and banana pudding! I just knew that I would have gained weight, but I didn't! We were eating one meal at about 2:00 and then snacking later. So I guess I kept calories down!
Thank you to all of the family for having us! It was a great time!! We love you all!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Campmeeting 2009 Slideshow

Saturday, August 1, 2009

What shoe are you?

Last year, we were at a friends 50th birthday party! I usually listen in a setting such as this. So, I had my ears on and was chasing Cherish around since we know that most 50 year old people do not have a 2.5 year old running around. Maybe grandchildren, but surely not theirs. So, if you know me very well, you know that I was nervous that she would get in someones way.

While sitting there, I listened to a conversation between two ladies that are in their late 50's. They were showing each other their shoes. They were obviously well made, very comfortable nice leather FLATS, well, they might have had about a 1/2 inch block heel. I looked down at my 3 - 3 1/2 inch heels (that I even wear to the mall) and couldn't help but ponder!

I am 42, it hit me right then and there that I don't know anyone over the age of 50 that wears high heels anymore! I began to think about the fact that when I am at our home church and I know that I am going to be praise singing, that I wear my "most comfortable" Sunday night shoes. Now, those still have heels, but they aren't the toe squeezer type.

I love the gorgeous strappy things like my 21 year old, Misti, wears! I think that Carlos Santana shoes are fabulous. However, I bought a pair, wore them once and gave them away. I try them on every time I see a new pair out, and hurriedly take them off to put them back on the shelf! They kill my feet!

Then today, I mentioned of Facebook that I am packing for camp and the comment was made that we all need the matching shoes to each outfit. That is so true, however, it is amazing how many outfits that I can make the "more comfortable" ones match! Then another dear friend mentioned stretchy waistbands. Now that is another subject altogether, but girlfirends, how often to you opt for the stretchy over the zipper, button...................etc. Me? Stretchy all the way! LOL
Cherish is 3.5 now and has high heel play shoes. When she is home playing, she is in those shoes and has to make a pass by the tile floor in whatever room she is in to hear them "clomp!" Remember those days? Longing for the high heels? Hmmmm, I am real happy in a 3 inch now as long as it passes all of the comfy stretchy flex soft sole............and on and on!
I'm going to add a few pictures of shoes, I wonder which one you are? Which ones you want to be? Which ones you long for or want to throw away? The first ones are my choice! But how much longer?