My lesson in Sunday School (seesee school as Cherish calls it) was about Partners in Prayer. Teaching my pre-teen class that it always helps to have someone else praying with us for our needs. That God inhabits (or lives in) the praise (or prayers) of His people. That He "hearkens" to our cry, and He hears and cares and is faithful to answer our prayers. We were talking about Jehoshaphat and his enemies the Ammonites, Moabites, and and the others that came against him. II Chronicles 20 About how he was "afraid" of what they were going to do to him and the tribe of Judah. But the Lord sent a prophet, Jahaziel, to speak to him and he sent a word that I know the Lord wanted me to hear today. II Chron. 20:15
What do I not understand about that?
Good questions! I have been on a quest not to worry over anything! When there is a problem or need, I turn it over to God and leave it with Him. The battle is not mine, it is HIS and I am never out of His line of vision. It is always good to have a prayer partner, too. Mine is still in BC, she is a faithful pray-er and friend. Hugs, Cynthia
Great thought and an awesome topic to teach to young people!
Could it be because we, in our human thinking can not grasp the fullness of His love for us and His greatness??
I struggle with that question. My head gets it but that 16 inches can prove to be a problem.
Love ya
One of you fans
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