Monday, September 7, 2009

Too Many Calories??

For several months now, I have counted calories! First to lose a few pounds, then the last couple have been just to maintain! Last night after a late night with friends, we noticed that, again, our flower beds have snails. I DO NOT LIKE SNAILS. They give me the "Heebeegeebees!" This morning, Cherish put on her rain boots, her daddy got himself dressed and geared to attack the snails! Out they went! Ready for battle! Snail bait in tow! They were strategically planning their course of action! As the war raged, very one side I might add, he wielded his "sword" (cups of snail bait)! Cherish said to her daddy, "Ok, that's 7 calories for those snails!" I've created a monster!!


Cindy said...

So cute! I hate snails, too. They leave messy trails behind them and I happened to see an evil trail just this morning on my sidewalk. So, it looks like we have them too. Have a lovely day! Hugs, Cynthia

Karen J. Hopper said...

Too cute...need Cherish to come over to our house and count some calories. We are being overtaken by the guys (ie, snails).

April Renee said...

Grinning from ear to ear!!
That girl of yours....