Monday, June 8, 2009

Who are we? What do we believe?

I am so excited. We have so many new converts and trying to figure out bible studies for them all has been interesting. So after much talk, our Wednesday nights for quite a while will be new converts classes for our entire church! I have been so burdened recently by friends of ours who have always upheld truth in doctrine and holiness have put them all down for numbers. It has caused us to examine our own hearts. Then after talking to a young lady that has been in our church the entire 9 years we have been here, and she asked if we could possibly get information to her on what and why we believe, we are seeing the necessity of teaching all over again. Even for myself, I am so excited because we can all use a refresher now and then. We are apostolic and intend to stay just that! Not rule driven, but relationship driven. If we love the Lord, KNOW His Word, and truly desire to serve Him, rules will not matter, but what He wants does. I truly love my husband and because He loves my hair curled and healthy, I wear it in ways that I know he likes. He loves pork rinds and white powdered donuts, even though I detest both, I joy in seeing him and Cherish indulging in both. I may not think that this or that is important when living for the Lord, however, if He loves it, and took the time to tell us in His Word, then because I love Him and desire to make Him happy and definitely want to see Him, I "joy in seeing Him indulge!" I am so looking forward to seeing the understanding on the faces of our new babies as they see the sweetness of the "white powdered donuts!"


Anonymous said...

Amen!! You go girl!!

Dad & Cindy

Cindy said...

Well said. I too will do whatever my sweet Lord wants, I love Him too much to fail Him in any areas. I have no "untouchables" with Jesus. Hugs, Cynthia

Anonymous said...

Awesome post! I love it AND you! Chele

Karen J. Hopper said...

Great post, carried with burden. I particularly was taken by your words: "not rule driven, but relationship driven." That is a revelation that I wish all could appreciate - one I know you and Stephen have maintained and continue to do so.

April Renee said...

It has been an expirence for me perosnally, learning these past years to live for God "realtionship driven and not rule driven". This has made a world of difference in my perception of God as well.
Having Wensday Bible has been a breath of fresh air. Bro. Hill has a way of bringing it across where you wanna be Apostolic, not like you HAVE to be Apostolic!