Friday, September 26, 2008

Heidi's Mom's Update

Heidi's mother posted the following to her blog tonight!!

Heidi Update
Heidi is coming along well. The doctor has her on Phenobarboltol to help keep her seizures away and she hasn't had a seizure all day. We talked with the nuerologist, her doctor, and the genetics specialist today and all of them had a postive outlook on her recovery without being too optimistic. I guess you could say that we are not out of the woods yet, but the bears are all in their cages.She has no sign of infections, no heart conditions, no bleeding on the brain (she did at birth sometime), and is otherwise functioning well. The area affected with oxygen deprivation is a very small area and the doctor said that it probably didn't last over a minute. That's good news. She still has little electrodes all over her head because they are going to watch her EEG overnight again. I may actually begin feeding her tomorrow. That means I'll be able to hold her too. Overall, God is good and merciful. Little Heidi is a special gift and we are so glad to be able to know her. She is recovering well and by God's grace will have a bright future.Thank you for all your thoughts and prayers!


Karen J. Hopper said...

Will keep Heidi and her family in thoughts and prayers. God is our Strength and Comfort in time of need.

iluv2prshim said...

Susan, Thank you for the updates. Little Heidi and her family are in my prayers.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for posting Heidi's Mom's blog.We are still praying, but happy to hear of any signs of progress.God's still on the thrown!