Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Family Day!

Monday in the Hill household is always family day!! We learned a long time ago that the family is of the utmost importance! Every Monday we spend quality time together! It is almost forbidden for my husband to make other plans or appointments! Sometimes, we do fun things like go to Chuck E Cheese, go to the park, the zoo, the mall, etc. Sometimes we just have dinner, play games, read books, or things like that! The trouble is that almost every Monday, I have my horrible headaches! You say, "What?" Well, I am a stress driven person! No, you didn't know that did you? I really am growing up and not letting as much get to me, but I do love to please and in the occupation that God has placed us, it is impossible to please everyone!! Therefore, with the responsibilities of Sunday, I praise sing, I teach the 9-12 year olds, as well as all of the other duties of a pastor's wife, oh, don't forget that I have Cherish in the mix, too! A three year old all day in and out of church, keeping her sweet, quiet, etc. Well, even when all is wonderful on Sunday, for some reason, I must be tense because of the responsibility! Therefore, my "Monday Headache" as we call them! Yesterday was a "Doosey" of one! So we have to have our family day around those!

Even with that, we would not leave Cherish out! We just played with her around the house, she made us pretend ice cream with her toy ice cream set, ate soup and grilled cheese for lunch, then she took a nap with her mommy afterwards! When I woke up, my headache was much better! So we quickly through ourselves together and ran to Rite Aide! What is Rite Aide? If you are from California, you will know that they bought out the old Thrify Drug Stores! Thrify always had a little stand at the front of the store that had hand dipped ice cream for about $.69 per scoop! Well, Rite Aide kept the Thrifty Ice Cream, but it is $1.19 per scoop now! I got my favorite, Black Cherry with huge cherry halves in it! Cherish got strawberry! Daddy got rainbow sherbet! It was about 50 degrees outside so we were laughing because we were shivering getting in our car with ice cream! It was so funny, we got home set down at our bar and Cherish looked at her daddy's sherbet, took a bite, then pointed at the strawberry and said, "Dat is yours now, daddy!" Thus, Daddy has strawberry and Cherry has rainbow!!! Mommy sure enjoyed her original Black Cherry!! Now that is a sweet daddy! He would have done that even if it wasn't family day!

Later, there was dinner together, and a quiet family time around the house! No interruptions!

You might consider this for your own family! We all get so busy that we tend to forget those that we hold near and dear! Pretty soon, we are all living our own lives and doing our own thing! We wonder why it is so easy for some families to permanently separate. I think that I will add to the old quote, so here's my new one...................

A family who prays and plays together, stays together!

Lord, don't let me ever forget to pray and play as a family! You are the center of all WE do!
We always did this with Misti, too! Guess what Monday is designated as in her house? You guessed it! It is just her and Adam, but rarely do they include anyone else in their Monday evening! I do believe that a little time together will lead to .............A Long Time Together!!!


Tracie Smith said...

Susan, there's nothing like spending time with family!

Tredway Tales said...

What an awesome post. Family is truly one of the most important things in my life. I try to spend as much time as possible with my wife and little girl. I like the idea of family day/night. I think I will have to try this.

Mrs. Willman said...

What a fun time you all had! Makes me want to go to Rite-Aide.
I think that our bodies know when we plan to take a rest, so they store up all that stress for the downtime. That's why if I'm going to get sick it's almost always on a weekend.
Anyway, I took the day off today because Heidi has a bad cold. Truth is, it feels good to take the day off work too.

Anonymous said...

I can never tell you how much those Monday's mean to me. Knowing that we will throw caution to the wind and just try to have fun TOGETHER!!! Thank you for being so understanding with the time i commit to so many other projects the rest of the truly are a lady with God's business at heart. As for my Rainbow Sherbert??? It made my heart swell when Cherish took it and I'd give it to her again in a heartbeat. Nothing is more important, outside of God's purpose, than living to make my family the happiest on earth!

I Love You,

Karen J. Hopper said...

Good for you. Enjoy those special times together - you are collecting memories for another day. Love ya, Aunt Karen

Anonymous said...

Yay for Family Day!

We have Family Night--since I work and Jon and I have a new game. It's a form of exercise for me, but he has a blast doing it. We "shake it" for about 15 minutes. LOL! He just laughs his head off the whole time!

I miss you guys!